PronounciationBookConspiracy Wiki

Franco in custody


Franco From the Impact Two Yearbook Ending.

Franca Elsie Franco, or just Franco is a 28-year old regulator, appearing as a recurring character in the mission narrative of Pronunciation Book before being elevated to protagonist in Bear Stearns Bravo.


She seems to have been present for, and taken an active role in, the mission (and by extension appears to be a squad member), yet no specific role, distinguishing features or relations with the other characters have been revealed. In HtP Brasserie, it is related that Franco was worried about brasserie etiquette, implying that she took place in the catering operation, taking on a disguise like the rest. It also seems apparent from HtP Champagne that she was present after the operation to enjoy drinks with the squad.


  • Franco's name (and by extension ethnicity) is most likely Italian. Her first name is probably short for Francesca[1], whilst "Franco" is both an Italian & Spanish surname[2]. In both cases, this relates to the focus on Italian culture found in several PB videos (particularly with regards to food).
  • Franco used to believe that she came from San Bernardino, but Dr. Colorado divined through a career science reading that she is actually from a beach community (the ocean).
  • Franco's bravodex info reveals the following information about her:
    • IQ: 153
    • Blood Type: O-
    • Fighting Style: Regulatory Arts (Okinawan Chainmortgage)
    • Destined Profession: Regulator (? ? ?% certainty)
    • Rising Tarot: Ocean Genesis
    • Falling Tarot: The King Is Asleep
    • Famous Quote: “It’s time to stop thinking . . . and start dancing!”


  • Franco's quote in the yearbook is "I came from the Ocean". This is likely a reference to 36, and as such she may be connected to the Mysterious Woman (and by extension Nicole), who is also connected to the ocean.
  • Several aspects of BSB imply Franco has, probably unbeknownst to even herself, untapped abilities. She was already able to configure waypoints on the eyepatch Glyph gives her on her first try, something that Glyph notes is hard, and then she does some freaky supernatural shit in the SWAN ending (which also implies that she may be the real antagonist, potentially)[3].


  1. Franca on "Behind the Name"
  2. Franco, Behind the Surname
  3. the SWAN ending, BSB