Henri St. Bellerose-Clavière, or simply Henri, is a French regulator. He first appeared in How to Pronounce Can and Can't, which was uploaded on August the 12th, 2012, but was only mentioned in passing, and did not appear again until How to Pronounce 24 was uploaded just over a year later, on August the 31st, 2013. This video describes an audit, led by Henri, of a mysterious finacial office.
In Bear Stearns Bravo, he accompanies Franco while serving as the right hand and public speaker of the player, cuffing and talking to other characters throughout the game.
- Like Lisa, Henri has also had experience working as a DJ.
- Like Nicole, Henri's name is French[1].
- Henri wears red suit, white shoes and carries a blue radio; this outfit was mentioned in How to Pronounce Radio.
- He has an ex-wife, Burger Balboa.
- Henri has allergies, including one to gluten and another to corn starch.
- Henri doesn't believe in heaven
- After his divorce, Henri moved into a house boat
- Henri enjoys reading about helicopters
- Henri dabbles in home brewing