PronounciationBookConspiracy Wiki

About the Video

How to Pronounce 55 was uploaded July 31st by PronunciationBook . The video is 24 seconds long, including the dialogue "When we were born, we saw shapes and patterns. Something's going to happen in 55 days." The dialogue lasts for 9 seconds. The last 15 seconds is silent, aside from soft noises that seem to form a spectrogram picture of what appears to be reselmbling the Uncle Sam propoganda posters used back in World War I.


Triangles are frequently mentioned on PB. Could the two be relating?
  • '"'When we were born..." hinting at an URL?
    • But what's the rest?

He might not be refrencing when people are literally born. Announcer could be talking about people who follow some sort of "born-again," mindset (i.e. born-again Christians).
