PronounciationBookConspiracy Wiki
“Stressful day? Play some volleyball.”


- Did anyone notice this is the first video that hasn’t appeared on the PB’s twitter? All the other countdown videos were published on his twitter around the same time, but this one hasn’t. (probably unlinked the twitter account from the youtube account, as he may have been uploading private videos and did not want us to see those as we saw the others) But you see, now the video 60 is on his twitter, I don’t think it’s just a coincidence.

- If you search in the channel with “volleyball” you will find this video: How To Pronounce Iran

-The World Series of Beach Volleyball is happening July 22-28 in Long Beach, CA

- One of the uploader comments on This Is My Milwaukee video is “The beach volleyball tournament is finally over.”

Perhaps it’s a veiled way of saying that the Milwaukee ARG is over, and this “volleyball tournament” (the proposed 77 days ARG) is just beginning. The comment has disappeared from the YouTube video. It was also posted 2 YEARS AGO.) (This basically proves that the two comments are connected).
(if TIMM removed the comment doesn’t that mean he is trying to tell us that TIMM and 77 days are not related?????) Or perhaps they are covering their tracks. They’ve done this before. But they can’t cover their tracks, this is the internet and if they really are looking at this document then they know we have this information already so if it’s relevant there’s really no point deleting it

- (Maybe it is connected to How to Pronounce Beach)

Why would he use a Spanish word? (cerveza = beer) = might be related to the Tlaxcala stuff that happens with the “guerillas” and the Chief-. If they’re in Mexico they’d use cerveza, not beer.
Probably just because the mission takes place in South America, like slang or something. I don’t think it has any real significance

Possible connection? That guy Thomas Bender registered this website ( They’re a non profit that claims to do work in Honduras. They do talk about the Jungle, which Honduras definitely has. Does anyone know if this is a legit organization?

The does not have a functioning spanish section, which is odd, since it seems to be a spanish language website. This has to be related to the pronunciation book. (what is your proof that it is 100% connected to PB? The facebook page for the group is an actual page with posts up to Feb. The board of directors checks out on the US side: Zacha
When you call the # on the proyectovillanueva website (360) 220 3015) you get some girl’s voicemail (couldn’t make out the name).
Proyecto Villanueva is mentioned in this article in La Tribuna. Seems legit. (
Searching on ‘cerveza’ brings up beech and ‘Stella Artois’. think things are tagged on key words to build sentences...or something? maybe? (I don’t think it’s relevant, Stella Artois is a brand of beer)



The countdown video for Day 61 is the only one which does not have a corresponding tweet linking to it on the Pronunciation Book Twitter account. It appears that the link between the YouTube channel and the Twitter account which usually automatically posts tweets linking to each new video as it is uploaded to the channel was turned off during the time the Day 61 video was uploaded, but it was then turned back on in time for the next day's video. What, if any, significance should be attached to this is currently unknown.
