PronounciationBookConspiracy Wiki

For character stubs.


Mentioned only in 25. Apparently, she "was fired from her job for unclear reasons".


Mentioned briefly, the least amount is known about Brian.


Mentioned in 18, as one of the convoy scouts.


An enigmatic figure who “knows many important things” (How to Compliment Someone in English ), including “what happened on the riverboat” (How to Tell a Secret in English ), and whose “abilities are beyond question” (HtP Question ). He does not live near Hal (HtP Live ).

Chief's Ex-Wife

Only mentioned once, in “How To Pronounce Connection” , where it was related that she had some sort of connection with President City.


Mentioned once in  "How to Pronounce Femme Fatale. " In this video, Announcer says, "Colleen is a femme fatale when it comes to the tacos."


Only mentioned in two videos; "How to Say Hello and Goodbye in English ", and "How to Greet an Unwelcome Guest in English." Due to these two videos, it is possible that Ed is either disliked or insignificant.


Scarcely mentioned character about whom little is known. It is possible he is involved in business or administration in some way, similar to Jackie; In "How to End a Business Meeting in English ", it is related that he is asked to “write up everyone’s action items”.


A DJ & neighbour to the Mysterious Woman, only mentioned in her debut video, How to Pronounce 29.


Little is known about this character, other than the fact that he was transferred to the Malibu Office at his own request (HtP Ptolemy ).

