PronounciationBookConspiracy Wiki

Guidelines for this section:

1. This section is not meant for speculation, it is a section to be used when we feel we have a solution to a piece of the puzzle.

2. Any statement entered in this section should be followed by justification of said statement in detail.

3. Any statements that are poorly justified are to be moved to the theory section if not already present in that section.

4. Any statements that are not justified are to be deleted

5. In the event of multiple statements that are both well defended and neither have any obvious conflicts with any information that we have uncovered then they are to both be listed under that section until evidence is found that disproves one of the statements.

6. Any other information that we should be focusing on can be added to this list at any time as long as it is truly relevant.   

-What is the mission:

-Who is the unnamed female and what is her importance in all of this:

-Where is the location(s) and time that this is taking place in:

-When is this taking place or when is certain sections of this story taking place:

-What is the meaning of the shapes, primarily the Triangles (both Indigo and Love triangles):

-What is the market and who is it that is watching it:

  • -What is the purpose (if any) of the videos containing a single word or phrase:


  • -What are the systems and what is their connection to the mission as well as to the 77 day countdown:

    -What went wrong during the mission to cause the countdown to trigger?

    -Is there a single story taking place of is it fragments of multiple stories mixed together?:
