PronounciationBookConspiracy Wiki

Pronunciation Guide (or Pg) is a YouTube channel created on the 23rd of March, 2011.



Say Pronunciation

Pronunciation Guide has only one video, Say Pronunciation (uploaded the 28th of March, five days after channel creation), lasting ten seconds. The video description is, "How to pronounce the English word Pronunciation".



Screenshot showing timestamps on Pg's comments on "Say pronunciation", as well as the date at the time it was taken.

Though it is not definitively known who created Pronunciation Guide, between the 12th to the 18th of August, 2013, Pg posted a comment on their only video (two years after uploading) explaining their intent, saying[1]:

"For anybody still confused: I set this up to parody Pronunciation Book, but I had some basic problems - no Helvetica, no microphone, that kind of crap - so I put it off. Before I even thought about it again, Pronunciation Manual was already running, and doing it better than I ever could have. Not sure why he "credits" his videos to this channel, but I appreciate it."

Whilst this comment adequately explains Pg's creation & subsequent abandonment, it is also interesting to note that it strongly implies that Pg is not related to Pronunciation Manual, despite the fact that the watermark in the background of all of PM's videos link to Pg. Though Pg acknowledged the discrepancy and claimed that they do not know why PM links to Pg, they later replied "Well, maybe I do, who the hell knows..."[2].

For this reason, it has been suggested that PM and Pg are, in fact, owned by the same person, and that Pg's cryptic and contradictory answers are simply me

ant to mirror PB's own cryptic nature, just as PM & Pg's videos mimic PB's.

PronunciationGuide HtP 4 comment

Pronunciation Guide's comment on "How to Pronounce 4"

On Friday, 20 September, 2013, Pronunciation Guide commented "This will hurt someone." on Pronunciation Book's video "How To Pronounce 4".

External Links[]


  1. Pg's first comment on Say Pronunciation, Pg.
  2. Pg's reply to his initial comment on Say Pronunciation, Pg.